Saturday 25 April 2015

Button the playful Kookaburra #2

For those of you that follow this blog, you will know the Tapas Bar is the outlet for my sense of humour. A bit Aussie, a little dry & probably a tad politically incorrect. So enjoy :)

The imagination of Button. A young Kookaburra.
I am the famous Conductor of Tapas Bar Orchestra.
I am called the “Flying Maestro” by my fans.
My Orchestra - Little Boy is playing the dog. His Sister strumming the Umbrella....
The Audience (Bird of Paradise) is giving me a standing ovation.
I am truly a Maestro.
Every 4 weeks or so, Nola the School Ma’am pop’s in to give the young ones a quick lesson.
After she left we asked Button if she learnt anything.
“Well” she said “I learnt that not only am I a Kookaburra, but I am a Kingfisher as well”.
“And what is a Kingfisher, Button?”
“Well it’s like a mini me. But I’m like a gazillion times bigger. He hangs on the lower branches sometimes."
"You must mean that Sacred Kingfisher"
"Yeah, that guy. He’s that yucky blue”
“Did you learn anything else?”
“Oh yes, yes I did. I learnt that they catch fish with their beak.....AND I can do this"

There's a fish.

Well, not really a fish.
But it could have been.

And if it was a fish, this is what I'd do with it.

Now, from this look I know exactly what she’s thinking. And that is, she’s up to no good.
To stop her from perching on the Tapas umbrella, I blocked her with the Blue Bar.

Umm, a challenge. I like a challenge. 

Now if I can just get some purchase

And he didn't think I could get up here. Ha
You may have noticed that flowers feature at the Tapas bar. I think they add colour & texture to my photos, and also give the birds something new to consider. They get whatever is in bloom in the garden. They are carefully placed to give the greatest photo effect.
Button, in the playful mood she's been in of late, has made it her mission to upset my well laid plans.
Food laid. Fresh cut garden flowers carefully positioned.
Camera set.
Exercise in futility completed.
I’m less than 1 foot away when Button comes in to trash the joint....

She laughs and says
"Nice flowers Brad, Pity someone trod on them"

Now I know this is going to do his head in
when I drop this over the side
Having trashed the Tapas Bar, Button flew up to the tree behind my place for a good old belly laugh.
Ever hear laughter & just started to laugh, well Kookaburra do the same. Within seconds I had every kookaburra up & down the reserve laughing at me.

Buoyed by this response, and with a twinkle in her eye, she spies from her lofty perch, something that’s been there for 3 days and it needs her immediate attention. I had placed a bunch of berries from a Tobacco Tree thinking one the birds that visit would like them. Turns out none did. That's them in the photo above (top left)

“H’mm, and what do we have here?”...

“I wonder if these berries taste any good.”

 “YUCK! That tastes like Broccoli. It's got to go”
We had some pretty big storms a few days ago, that left us without power for 4 days, so the birds have been getting some treats. This morning they got Chicken Omelette.

And what have we got here?


Bwahahaha.....Fooled ya

 She really does enjoy her Chinese.

Well, that's this post done and dusted.
See you all on the next one.


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