Saturday, 26 July 2014

Kookaburra Games – Worms in holes.

Worms in Holes
In preparation to feed my family of Kookaburra's, I would hide a few cut up bits of meat in my left hand.

While one of the family was perched on my right hand, I would feed them a piece of meat held between my fingers.

I then needed to shuffle my left hand under my right so I could transfer some meat back into my fingers to continue. It continued this way for a while.
They soon twigged that when my hand disappeared under their perch, it re-appeared with meat. 
They then started to examine my left hand more closely.

I found that if I opened my fist a little, they would see the meat & plunge in their beak as they might if hunting for worms.
And....A Kookaburra game was born.
Sometimes there is meat in there, other times – not.
Sometimes the meat comes easy, others times - not.

If I open my fist slightly, they will crane their neck to have a bit of a squiz.

If I hold my fist closed for prolonged time, they tap me on the top of my fist - just to keep me focused. (Don’t tell me Kookaburra's don’t have problem solving capabilities)
Sometimes I close my hand on their beak. This leads to a bewildered look, and then they go straight back in. Not much fazes this crowd.
If I held onto the meat as they were pulling it out, this resulted in a game of tug of war.
(This I’ve covered under another post “Let’s play games - Tug of War”).
My "Worms in Hole" vid

Kookaburra Games - Tug of War with call        


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