Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Bird Feeding - Good or Bad #4

Well the National Bird Feeding survey has started its 3rd week. No fights this week, but plenty of attendees.
Tapas Bar
Today’s Menu; Mandarin wedges, sliced grapes, banana & rice. Garnished with Magnolia, Azealia and some cute little white flowers I don’t know the name of.
During the 20 minutes; Today's attendees were Button the Kookaburra, Pernicious & Pedro the Pee Wees, Mal the Noisy Miner, Red the Red Wattlebird & Shiloh the juvenile male Satin Bowerbird.

Look at me when I'm yelling at you!!!

Their spat didn't last long.
And soon they were beak to beak.

Pernicious Pee Wee checking todays floral display.

Pedro on the other hand is a boy.
He's not interested in flowers.

Mal the Noisy Miner is also a boy.
But he's more in tune with his feminine side.

This is Red's new partner for this season.
She's yet to get a name.

Red the Red Wattlebird loves his rice

Button the Kookaburra & Shiloh get on OK.
You wouldn't guess that from Shiloh's body language.
The Tranquillity Pool. Nil to report.
After hours were pretty quiet as well.

Tapas Bar

Today’s Menu; Sliced grapes, banana & rice. No Garnish.
During the 20 minutes; Today's attendees were both the Pee Wees Pernicious & Pedro, Red the Red Wattlebird, The Judge a Crested Pigeon and Brad & Shiloh a father and son pair of Satin Bowerbirds.
Pernicious "I'm talking to you....."

Pedro "And I'm hanging on your every word Dear."

"Haha Pedro. And that's how the fight started" chuckled the unnamed Wattlebird.

Next to Rice, Banana comes a very close second.

This is Judge John Deed. He's a Crested Pigeon. His partner is Jo Mills.
I named them after the TV series as their crest reminded me of a Judges wig.
Turns out their personalities a similar to the TV characters.
Quiet & demure, that won't take a backward step, even from Cedrick.

Brad the Bowerbird is partial to a bit of Banana.

That's Bitey the Kookaburra that Brad's wearing as a hat.
You can tell the boys from girls as the boys have a blue rump.

I posted stacks of Shiloh looking at the camera, and a striking bird they are.
Just as pretty from the back.

The Tranquillity Pool. Pernicious was the only visitor.

After hours there were a few photos not submitted.

When one isn't enough.

I'm not complaining but........

On Golden Pond

Tapas Bar.
Today’s Menu; Sliced grapes, mashed potato/sweet potato, banana, rice and one birdseye chilli. The Garnish (left) Wattle, Magnolia & Azealia flowers, (right) fruiting umbrella tree sprig.
During the 20 minutes; Today's attendees Shiloh the Satin Bowerbird, The Judge a Crested Pigeon, Mal the Noisy Miner, Red the red Wattlebird & Bitey the Kookaburra.
And what strange fruit is this?
It looks exotic.

Fret not folks.
Birds are impervious to chilli.
In fact some chillies are named after birds.

Shiloh warning off one of the Wattlebirds.

The Judge gets no such warning.

Mal couldn't believe his luck. Both Mash & Banana still available.

Red Wattlebirds like the mash as well.

"Bitey, there's a National Bird Feeding survey underway."
"Can I play?? Can I play??"
"You're a star in it Bitey"
The Tranquillity Pool.
Pedro & Shiloh sipped from the water of the Tranquillity Pool.

After hours were pretty good. Great actually. Photos not submitted.

An impatient Boof (this years bub)
He's yet to learn........

All good things come to those that wait.

Pedro doing a fly over.

What's that red thing sticking up from the mash?

Chilli, chilli, chilli

In the last post for the National Bird Feeding survey, Headley goes to the water.
See you all then .

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