Monday, 29 August 2016

Bird Feeding - Good or Bad #3

This post will take us to the ½ way point of the National Bird Feeding survey. At this point 11,000 surveys have been submitted, which I believe is such a small number of those that feed birds
These are the photos I submitted to the survey from the 20 min window they requested, as well as what happened before & after.

Tapas Bar
Today’s Menu; Mandarin wedges, sliced grapes, paw paw, banana & rice. Fresh wattle was the garnish.
During the 20 minutes; Button the Kookaburra, Shiloh the Bowerbird, Red the Red Wattlebird & both the Pee Wees Pernicious & Pedro

Brad the male Satin Bowerbird

The tongue defines the bird.
Have a look at Brads. He's a fruit eater.
You'll notice it's spatula shaped at the end of what looks like a fairly strong muscle. They push this up to the roof of their beak, which is similar in shape except it has a groove. Brad squishes the fruit which not only mashes it, but the juice is pushed into that groove, running down to his stomach.

Shiloh is a juvenile male Satin Bowerbird

This is Pernicious Pee Wee (Magpie-Lark)
The girls have a white chin..........

This is Pedro Pee Wee.
The boys have a black chin.

Pedro in Profile
The Tranquillity Pool.
Pedro was the only visitor.

Tapas Bar
Today’s Menu; Mandarin wedges, sliced grapes, mashed potato/sweet potato & rice.

Today’s garnish is Wattle, Azalea & Magnolia flowers.
During the 20 minutes; Cedrick & Daphne the Lorikeets, Shiloh my young male Satin Bowerbird, Red the Red Wattlebird & Button the Kookaburra all turned up.

Cedrick the Lorikeet can be a little belligerent at times.
Shiloh is trying to gage his mood today.

Cedrick's in a good mood.

Good enough mood to let Brad, Shiloh's dad, to have the table.

Red the Red Wattlebird with a gobful.

Button the Kookaburra
showing there is more to life than meat.

The Tranquillity Pool.
Pernicious the Pee Wee, Bitey the Kookaburra, Mal the Noisy Miner & Shiloh the Satin Bowerbird were todays visitors.

The Pee Wees are daily visitors for a drink.

This next visitor however isn't a daily drinker.
Or weekly. Or monthly.
Kookaburras rarely drink water as the get all their needs thru their prey
I've only seen this a few times before.
So great timing for the survey.

With the Olympics in full swing,
This is Mal the Noisy Miner in the 100mm Butterfly final

This is what happened after survey hours;
Cedrick & Daphne the Lorries returned,  as did Brave Baby the Kookaburra. The Noisy Miners, Mal & Mick were the next to arrive followed by Shiloh & Brad the Bowerbirds.

The last to visit was a new young female Red Wattlebird (yet to be named).

Cedrick & Daphne

A curious Daphne

Cedrick can be so belligerent that even the Kookaburras give him some room.
That's Bitey looking on.

Mick & Mal the Noisy Miners

Mal in profile

This guy is new to the Tapas Bar.
She's a young female Red Wattlebird.

She looks like being this seasons partner for Red

Well that’s it for now folks.
Keep tuned as there’s more come. I've already started to edit the photos for next blog, so I know what's coming, and the are some cracker shots.

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