Monday, 1 September 2014

Biting the hand that feeds you

Biting the hand that feeds you

sizing me up
Occasionally I get nipped when feeding my boys. Part & parcel of hand feeding I guess.

I have noticed they impart different messages.

There are the little pecks on my hand. (Like a tap on the door).
This says “Come on – keep focused. I know there is more food in there & I’m still hungry. Get back on the job”.
Kookaburra Bite #1

There are the more insistent pecks on my hand. (These are given with a lot more vigour).
This says “I’m starving – stop playing with that camera & feed me”.
Kookaburra Bite #2

There is the mistake bite. (This one hurts).
This says “Sorry, I thought this was a piece of meat & I’m not giving it up”.
This hurts as your finger is at the back of his beak where there is a heap more pressure (damn you fulcrum law J - my luck to have educated Kookaburras).

Then there is Bitey Burra. He has all of the above in his suite of skills, plus one.
The I have the shit’s bite. (I lose a little blood with this one).

Now, this is much like the “Mistake Bite”, but much, much more.
He grabs on, holds on long enough to know it’s not food, then, swivels his head scissor like.
I usually yelp.
Then he flies off.
This bite is aptly named, as at least one of us has it.
Kookaburra Bite #3        
Brave Baby is developing a new bite.
The I’m really a Bower Bird bite. (Bower birds collect things that are blue).

He’s at that difficult age when they’re discovering themselves.

While this is not a bite…it is.
For the last few days, Brave Baby has taken to nipping on my blue jumper.

The 1st time we were just hanging there enjoying the view, when he leaned over and bit my jumper sleeve. Content just to sit there holding it for a minute or so.

Then I moved my arm and he pulled back. I moved a little more – he pulled a little harder.

I lifted my arm – he held on. I lifted higher – he still held on. I lifted him off the railing – he still held on.

At this point I became concerned that maybe the hook on the end of his beak had got caught on the fabric. I had to pry his beak apart to release it. Only to find he wasn’t caught up, he was just holding on.

A couple of days later he did the same thing.
I will add some video if he does it again.

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