Thursday 3 March 2016

Boof. How quickly kids grow up.

This is a bit of a time line on how quickly these guys develop.
I was introduced to Boof on the 4th of Jan at the age of 2 months

I say 2 months, as a member of Birds of Oz has been documenting the development of her Kookaburra baby Spike. Deborah Pearse had the unique camera angle to view straight into his breeding box. He hatched the 15th Nov & I think Boof is 7 – 10 days older. I think this, not only because of behaviour, but by his lower beak. Baby Kookas had a stubby all black beak. This grows quickly and the lower beak starts to change to cream. Boof started a while ago, Spike a week later.
I just love his little squat beak.
If I hide up here

He'll never find me

Sound asleep I hear.................
"Will you put a cork in it" I yelled

God does have a sense of humour.
When he arrived he was all clumsy & uncoordinated. There wasn’t an object or sound that didn’t fascinate him. And they play. Yes, play. I watched as one morning he pounced on a piece of dead palm frond that had blown off a neighbour’s tree during the night. He flogged it to death making such a commotion, you’d have thought he was in battle with a monster snake. Once satisfied it was dead, he flew up to the fence. Looking down at his kill, he wasn’t quite sure if it was dead enough, so flew down and gave it another flogging. Damn thing just wouldn’t stay dead.
The next day (17th) I set up Headley hoping for some fun. I wasn’t let down. Boof picked up a wooden knob, and jump up to the Tapas Bar to play with it. Not only was I treated with the following photos, it was what happened after he flew off with the knob in his mouth that made me laugh out loud.

You see what I have, don't you
You saw. I caught it, I killed it
but I do have one question.....

How do I get the bloody thing off

I know. I'll fly up to that tree
And knock it off on one of those leafy branches.
Wow, this thing is heavy.
He was flying up to his perch above the cycleway, but the knob was bloody heavy and he dropped it. At this exact same time an elderly Japanese couple were walking along the cycleway, when the knob landed next to the Gentleman. Their reaction was priceless. I couldn’t understand what they were yelling at Boof, but I could guess. They’ll go home with tales of Drop Bears & Killer Kookaburras.

Like Human babies, baby Kookaburras need to learn to speak. They have the begging call from the minute they hatch, but the other calls come much later. With Boof it was the 27th of Jan.
It was only a “KOO, KOO, KOO”. His first words. The “KAA, KAA, KAA” will come later.


What a big day this was going to be for Boof.

For a week now he had been watching me hand feed the family from the rail, as he did today. Them fed & gone, I settled down to have a quite beer and enjoy the last of the day. That’s when it happened. Boof flew up to the railing on his own. He sat there eyeballing me and doing his “feed me” call, me sitting there softly chatting to him. Slowly I stood up to go get him some meat, which scared him & he flew back to the fence. The next day he did the same. This time I still had some meat with me. Showing him the meat he allowed me to approach him. This day 2feet was the Point. The point he wouldn’t let me cross. Each day allowing me to get closer until he was happy to get meat placed next to me resting on the rail.

It’s the 3rd of Feb and Boof seems very relaxed now. Today he took his first step. The last few days I’ve been feeding him with the meat lying next to my hand. A couple of times he’d let me hand a piece to him, but still refused to jump on my hand. That all changed today. Today he hopped on. It was only brief, he grabbed his treat & flew off. We did this another ½ dozen times. Final tally – 4 pieces of meat, 2 fingers (He really needs to work on that aim thing).

Don't look at me.
Look at the meat

Now jump onto my hand.

A long journey starts with one small step.

Boofs Training.
Step 1: Get him to sit on your finger.
Step 2: Don’t let him bite it

Step 3: Definitely don’t let him get enough purchase that he can pull backwards....
Step 4: Dial 000. Help will be there directly.
On his next visit, instead of getting up to get him some meat, I got my camera. Would he allow me to take close-up? Turns out he’s a natural.

Boof checking out the camera.
He's a chilled out character.
The camera's only 10cm away

It would be nice if you could give me a profile shot Boof.

While all of this is going on he is still giving me some great photos from the Tapas Bar. He needs to check out everything. Like Button (last year’s baby) he samples everything.

The 70's.
The decade of "big hair."
Silly Saturday
"Give me a goofy look"

Silly Saturday
"Give me a smile"
Silly Saturday
"Bite Me!"
Well it’s now the 7th, and his biggest step by far – literally.
His big step was onto my hand where he chose to stay. He was happy to eat his treat without flying off. It was a light bulb moment for him. He realised he would get more if he just sat there.
That vid is at the bottom of my post.

Even in training
A feed doesn't come easily at my place.
Securing only half his treat
Boof sits there contemplating what to do next
The 12th was a scorcher. I have a squirter on the table for the cats training.  Would he appreciate a squirt? Absolutely loved it.

Kookaburra Training - Discipline.
Step 1. Squirt your naughty Kookaburra with water.

Step 2. If step 1 didn’t work, get closer & repeat step 1.

Step 3. Make sure they’re not enjoying it.
The next morning was also hot. I was down early cleaning out the bird bath when Boof arrived at the fence to watch. I wondered? Spraying the water high in the air I sent the stream his way. He was like a kid, opening his mouth and trying to catch the drops. So cute. I turned the hose off & went upstairs to get Headley. Boof was waiting when I got back. Turns out he likes a bit of a hosing. Headley got it all & the video is at the bottom of this post.

Not quite dried off yet

But it has left him with such a clean beak
While we’re on Headley and videos, I went down later that day to collect him, it was getting late & the light was poor. While I was down there, Boof arrived next to me on the fence. I turned Headley back on and did my first selfie. I think the interaction is great & worth the watch. Btw, I don’t have a face for selfies, but this was worth posting. That to will be at the bottom of this post.

My 1st selfie.

The 20th was interesting. Devil was asleep on the veranda when Boof landed on the rail above him. I thought “this will be interesting”. I wasn’t concerned about devil as I had Squirt (name for my squirter bottle) in my hand if interjection was required, and I’ll admit I wanted some. I wanted to see what goes on when I’m away at work. Both are very aware of each other, but seem relaxed. So relaxed, that after a couple of minutes I went inside to get my camera. Hyde, my other cat (he’s been thru this 4 times now) and while interested, just watches.
Don't look at me silly.

Don't worry about me. I've got him covered.
He moves that 2nd paw & I'm out of here.

The 21st  and Boof is now a daily visitor. Still a bit clumsy getting aboard, but he's getting the idea.

Now I want you to step onto my hand.
No, not into  my hand.
You need to get a better grip

That he did.
I'm sure he's going for an artery in my wrist.

Now normally I'd be worried about my fingers,
But the death grip exhibited above, increased.
Would I bleed to death, crossed my mind.

Finally a perch both he & I was happy with.
No Authors were hurt in bringing you these photos
My favourite time of the day is twilight on a hot summer eve. Sitting there enjoying the view and reflecting on the days events.

Boys being boys, you can expect at times
they're going to come in missing some bark.
Here's Boof with a bit of a scratch on his beak.

The best way to beat the stresses of the day... like this.
I need to save some photos for the next post, so I guess that's it for this post.
It was a biggy. I hope you enjoyed.

If you're not bored yet, here's those video's

Boofs first step

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