Friday 29 May 2015

The things a Kookaburra will eat

I thought I knew what Kookaburras eat, but this family of mine has shown me how inquisitive they are when it comes to tucker. Because I put out some fruit & veg out for my other visitors to the Tapas Bar, it amazes me what organic food they eat. They have to try everything. Something's they like and something's get tossed off the bar. Button (this year’s bub) is a classic, but I’ll get to that later.

When I’m feeding just them, their diet consists mainly of strips of beef, chicken, chicken bones.

C'mon bother, wouldn't you like to share?

Don't you love it when it just rains treats.
C'mon Brother, surely you'll share that?
If they’ve been good, and I’ve cooked up some prawns (I always boil up a few extra for them), they get a treat. It's interesting watching their reaction to this. Of my family of 6, only 4 like whole prawns. Yet they all like the prawn heads I toss down. Go Figure!

If I have bacon, they get the rind. These strips I bury in the grass with just the tip showing. It’s a game we play “Snakes in the grass”. Unfortunately for them, I don’t eat a lot of bacon, but they love it when I do.

God, is there no end to this?

Looks like a snake, hey

But this post is about the other things they eat. The things you wouldn’t expect. And Button leads the way.

This is what they get to choose from; Rice, Potato, Sweet Potato & Pumpkin (steamed or mashed), Corn, Monstera Fruit, Peaches, Grapes, Mango, Bananas, Cockroaches, Spiders, Stick Insects (the last 3 compliments of my cats), oh yeah, flowers & berries.

Here are some photos of what they try;

Corn, great, time to make...............



And you thought we were meat eaters!
Welcome to the new age Kookaburras - Vegan

It's soft & squishy.
And it tastes like................

Banana - that's got to go!

Instead of Peaches & Cream
We have Peaches & Dandylions

But what she really likes is pumpkin.

I soo much like pumpkin

What devil thing is this?
What has he hidden under this pumpkin?

Maybe if I bang it so hard on the table that the corn jumps in fright...

I can't tell you the urge I had to pull the trigger

Hey Sis, you need to try this mango.
It's mangonificent

They're pretty keen on Potato too.

Over the lips, past the gums
Yeah, I know I'm a bird!
OK, so we don't have lips and we don't have gums.
But you get the jist.

Turns out we are partial to grapes of all things.

Who'd of thunk it? Kookas & grapes

they don't mind Chinese chicken omelette either
And then there's the flowers & bugs;

Pink looks tasty
I think so too.
I wouldn't mind eating pink (wink)

These Tobacco Tree berries look good
YUUUUUK, Got to go.

these blossoms have to go

He keeps putting these on the table.

They must taste OK
Nup, pretty ordinary actually.

The lengths I go to for these birds
This guy hit me in the thumb as thanks.
He got his just desserts!

Any that know me, this is dedication.

You're kidding me
Can't you see that

I do now.

My cats are always bringing in what they catch on the veranda.
They get the shits when I remove it from them to present to the Kookas.

AHHH, fresh cockroach.
So with all they eat, they digest what they can.
The bits they can't digest come back as this.
A bit like a fur ball.

Well that's it for what they like to eat.

OH, I forgot one their favourite things to chew on, and with that I'll see you on the next post.
If you enjoyed this post, here's a link to my latest post;


  1. THANKYOU for sharing these wonderful photos - I feed about 7 Kookas mostly raw chicken, chicken hearts, bits of beef, I know they need calcium too. Thanks for showing they have a wide range of food tastes.

  2. Wow :)
    This is an incredible collection of ideas!
    Waiting for more helpful pieces.
    You would amazing to read a similar one here-
    petreviewz blog

  3. Great ideas . I am new to the Kookas diet. 3 of them now come to my back door. One has a mottly back Is that a young one ? Nancy

    1. Hi Nancy, the one with a motly back may be going thru moult.

    2. Is it usual for them to be around consistently then maybe once a day. It is nesting season could this be the reason. Also they don’t seem to fly as well as the other birds is feed. Lastly how do you suggest I prepare chicken bones for them to get calcium. Pkease

    3. They're around because they have a small territory and my house is in the middle of it. They can see my backyard from anywhere in their territory, so when foods on they turn up. They do spend a lot of time here (beside feeding). I only give them bones they can break and swallow. The next I break up, leg bones & thigh bones are too big, but they get just about everything else.

  4. This is so amazing and helpful thank you! I've just moved to an area and we have I think a baby kooka living near our house, we see him most days and I can't wait to be able to help give him some tasty snacks! I'm hoping there's no human food that may hard him?

    1. Hi Kookaqueen I think you can't go to far wrong giving them any for of meat. They are great recyclers. They get all my scraps.

  5. I have a few great kooka friends been feeding them steak is pork ok ????

    1. Yeah that's fine. Any meat really (and fish). Don't forget they also like small chicken bones

  6. I would like to feed kookaburras and not sure how to attract them. I see a couple sometimes sitting on a jacaranda tree. Where would you suggest i place the food.

  7. Have a look at this;

  8. I really enjoyed reading about your beautiful kookaburras i have one little one that comes nearly every day i was buying good mince now i find its no good for her so I bought meat stripes is that ok or is the mince ok

    1. I buy Supermarket mince, veal & pork, beef, they love it !!!

  9. a fledgling has just started coming into our garden,looks like he is blind in one eye, perches on the clothesline, usually about 0700 and watches the back door for signs of life. He/She is currently getting just mince and chicken but will introduce fruit and veg now that I've read about the food types. Thanks for the info

    1. Did you research the blogs about giving mince to kookaburra.

    2. I have a blind one ... worried about not being able to give a varied enough diet

  10. I have been feeding kookaburras for a while and I have been feeding them mince I have been told it is no good for them as it does something to there bone structure so I have been feeding them minced dog food is this ok for them

  11. R u kidding? Give then fresh natural raw and organic products otherwise they'll turn like th wite man n start killing their own kids.

  12. First time i see a Kookaburra, nice images!
    4 cats 2

  13. Tiny prem kookaburra what to feed it

  14. you can but a dry mix additive from pet stores with calcium/minerals etc designed for birds like magpies/kookaburras. you add it to mince.

  15. Yeah, that's Wambaroo. I add a sprinkle to everything they get fed.
